National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Engineering
Institute of Medicine
National Research Council

The National Academy of Sciences


National Research Council


May 30, 2012

Washington, DC


Improving Adult Literacy Instruction

Options for Practice and Research


Public Discussion

9:00 a.m.

Welcome & Introductions
Robert Hauser, Executive Director, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council



9:10 a.m.

Opening Remarks

Brenda Dann-Messier, Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education (Study Sponsor)

Roberto Rodriguez, Special Assistant to the President for Education, White House Domestic Policy Council


9:30 a.m.

Panel 1: Overview of the Report and Discussion with the NRC Committee

Participating Committee Members

Alan Lesgold, Committee Chair and Dean, School of Education, University of Pittsburgh <Lesgold Presentation>

Aydin Durgunoglu, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Duluth <Durgunoglu Presenation>

Art Graesser, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Memphis <Graesser Presentation>

Daryl Mellard, Director, Division of Adult Studies, Center for Research on Learning, University of Kansas

Kenneth Pugh, President and Director of Research, Haskins Laboratories <Pugh Presentation>


11:00 a.m.

Panel 2: Perspectives on the Implications of the Report

Panelists who represent high profile stakeholder groups respond to the report from their various vantage points.  The

discussion will focus on key issues in adult literacy education as part of the bigger solution to strengthening the

economy and improving outcomes and opportunities for all.  Guiding questions for the discussion include:


Josephine Reed-Taylor,
Deputy Commissioner, Technical College System of Georgia <Reed-Taylor Presentation>

Gavin Kerr, President and Chief Executive Officer, Inglis Foundation

Andrés Henríquez, Program Officer, Literacy and Standards, Carnegie Corporation of New York


12:00 noon

Closing Comments

Johan Uvin

Alan Lesgold